Monday 16 March 2015

Geometric Origami Dress

For the last couple of years I've been on and off with blogging, going through stages where I'd update at least once a week, and then getting too busy with college and work so that I'd miss a few weeks and then get annoyed that I've ruined it. I've deleted my blog so many times and then brought it back with new names, losing all my followers in the process. I feel like blogging is a huge part of my life, and I miss the feeling of writing and uploading new posts, so I've decided to bring back my blog and write about something that is also a big part of my life at the minute. Fashion. I am currently on an Art Foundation course, with my pathway in the course being Fashion/Costume design. For a recent project called 'Paris in the Park' we had to create a piece of work inspired by our residential trip to Paris, that would be presented in our local park for an outdoors exhibition. I decided to create a floor length, geometric style dress made out of paper origami. The inspiration from Paris came from the structural landmarks such as the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, and I created the pattern on the dress from the clock in the Musee D'Orsey. I made the dress a bright pink colour so that it would stand out really well when presented outdoors in the park, however when I later photographed my dress being modelled by my gorgeous friend Beth, I decided to edit some of them to black and white. I really liked the effect this gave as it brought more attention to the geometric style and the pattern rather than the bright colour, and I also liked the contrast within the images. I thought I'd share a few of my favourite images of my dress with you instead of going into too much detail of how I actually made the dress, as I don't want to bore you with all the details. 

I will now be uploading regular posts, showing you the work I create, as well as other fashion, beauty and lifestyle posts.
Thanks for reading and feel free to leave any comments!!

Becca x


  1. You made this?!?! Oh my gosh that is incredible!!

    Rebecca Coco

    1. Yeah I did, it took forever haha! Thanks :) X
