Wednesday 17 June 2015

Final Major Project: Progress #2

Okay, so I kind of failed at these progress posts for my Final Major Project, especially seen as though I finished the course yesterday which means my exhibition is now up and I have officially finished college forever! I should probably explain why I am writing this 'Progress' post now. I wanted to post these images before my final exhibition was up, but I didn't want people to see what was going to be in my exhibition before they actually saw my exhibition. Basically, I just didn't want to ruin the surprise of what I was going to be presenting. I will be writing a post very soon on my final exhibition so you can see images of how I presented this dress and also the second dress I made which I didn't manage to take professional pictures of like these *sigh*. 

I'll be completely honest here when I say this dress caused me to sit on a heap on the floor crying endlessly to anyone that came to talk to me. I wish I was being dramatic. I've always had the issue when making these types of dresses that the weight of the paper is so heavy that it can pull the origami pieces apart. I thought I'd solved that issue with this dress, however when I took it off the mannequin to be modelled by my beautiful friend Izzie, it all fell apart along with my hopes of getting a good grade. Now I probably am being dramatic. Thankfully, I did manage to get some really good photos of my dress before it all completely broke, and I did eventually manage to re-make the dress even if it did turn me into an emotional wreck, so I still used this dress in my final exhibition. Here are some of the pictures from my photoshoot. 

I hope you liked these images as much as I do! I may have finished this course now but I still have a few more posts coming up showing you my final exhibition and also an overview of the whole course. See you next time!
Becca x